Thursday, May 12

The Abundant Life

Sometimes we wonder why God does things the way He does. Well, three years ago I accepted a job at a Personal Injury law firm that has mainly frustrated me. I love everyone I work with- esp the attorneys, but I am not a big fan of sitting here some days with nothing to do. I often questioned if I had made the right decision in switching from a part time teller position at a local credit union (with hopes of climbing the 'ranks'). There have been several indications that I had, but more recently I think I have the main answer. Over a year ago I hired a girl to help me part time in the office. I can't begin to tell you what an integral part of my life she has become. I haven't had a best friend like this since my first year of college. She challenges me to be a better person, and we have so much fun together. In January, I started going with her to a ladies bible study on Wednesday nights at her church. Because of that, I have grown closer to God. I've been 'fed' in ways that I haven't had in years. But it wasn't until my bible study this morning, that I knew why God had me on this path. 

We (the bible study ladies and I) just started One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer. I'm too soon into it to give you a summary of its main concept, but the lesson this morning dealt with the Devil and the mind game he likes to play on us. 
"The Devil, the Enemy of our souls, knows our strengths and weaknesses, and he has the goal of contriving ways to keep us under his thumb. He wants to burden each of us to the point that we no longer feel passionate about being people of God. He does it by convincing us that freedom in Christ is a DREAM....... He makes us feel hopeless. It's not long before we give up on the idea of really experiencing God in our lives."

WOW! I didn't even know that I felt this way until I read that! Now I know why I've been feeling so discouraged lately- I let the Devil convince me of these falsities. I think I've been this way for a long time, and I didn't even realize it b/c I am so good at 'going through the motions' of being a Christian. 

This morning God and I had a talk, and we will keep talking, until I feel hope again. 

Thank you Lord for bringing Bethany into my life. I am so thankful for her.