Monday, January 2

Life in Georgia

Jeremy and I have been living in Georgia, close to my family for almost two months. We both still don't have full time jobs, but God has provided. I'm cleaning a few houses and Jeremy's been able to work from home part time for the company he left in Florida. Next week he'll be going down to work in the office. I even had a two day temp job at some rubber making plant. That was an experience! Everyone there kept making fun of my because I wore gloves and used about a thousand Clorox cloths to clean my work area. Even though I was working in the offices, it still had that black rubber dust everywhere! The shoes I wore are sitting sole side up in my bedroom until I have time to wash the black off the bottom. Everyone that I worked with during those two days were so nice. I had a great time and the main guy even asked for my contact information in case a job opened up in the future. They described me as 'an interesting experience'. You know I kept them laughing. 

Since I haven't found a job yet, I've also been blessed to be able to help out my grandparents. I've worked diligently to get my grandmothers houses clean and have taken them all to the doctor several times. Someone asked me if it bothered me that I was doing so much for them. I responded that I honestly thought I would have to miss their last years on earth because I was living in Florida, and now that I'm not, I'm so happy that I will spend as much time with them as possible to make up for the last 5 years. One of my grandmothers had several mini strokes and now has short term memory problems. For example, she asked me six different times what my sisters and I were doing for New Years. I am praying that God works it out so that I'm able to only work a part time job just so I can spend more time with them. 

I can't remember if I've blogged before about how quickly God directed us to our church home in Florida, but it was literally within the first week. I was so worried about finding a new church family, because our last one played such a special part in our lives. I honestly didn't even pray about it, because I didn't have faith that God would do the same thing again. However, I think He did. I'm so undeserving of His love. I get excited about Sunday mornings, and everyone I've met there so far has been very nice. There are two Sunday school classes we are excited to try, and the church even does Discipleship University on Wednesday nights! I know there probably won't be a class that could replace my Fit In Christ Jesus Girls from FBCPC, but I know God will lead us to the right place. 

There's not much new going on with the adoption. I really don't feel like we can do a home study until at least one of us has a full time job with insurance. I know that God's timing is best, but my heart has started to grow heavy. I'm surrounded by friends who are pregnant, or who have babies, toddlers, and young children. I thank God for blessing them, and I'm genuinely happy for them. I hear of so many who are in my situation who struggle with jealousy and bitterness, and I'm thankful that I don't. However, my desire to be a mother is more and more at the forefront of my mind. I can't wait to hold my own child in my arms and know that I don't have to give him/her back. I can't wait to implement things I've learned, been taught, or researched. I can't wait to listen for their small cry, knowing they are totally dependent on Jeremy and I, for love, comfort, warmth, food,  etc. I can't wait to tell my child that Jeremy and I semi-patiently waited on God to bring just the right one to us. 

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